FAQ / Where to find craft artifacts

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Версия от 16:38, 18 марта 2019; Fess911 (обсуждение | вклад)

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In connection with the update 2.62 from 04/28/2015. This information has lost its relevance.

The main question that excites all adventure seekers in 1100ad is where to find artifacts, from which with the help of Forge you can collect a rarer and more valuable combat artifact.

IMPORTANT: artifacts fall out in quest locations, but the drop (chance of falling out) on different servers is different.
On all the servers in the forge, you can find the following ingredients for crafting:

Church print
The artifact is found in Druid Temple.
Copper powder
Behind this artifact you have to search for a location Fair.

Hidden in the depths of Destroyed convoy
Goose feathers
It's not hard to find in the locations: Abandoned mines, Barbarians village

Have to visit Deep Forest
Not hard to find in the locations: Abandoned mines, Monsters Cave, Barbarians village

Quality ink
It's not hard to find in locations: Abandoned mines, Monsters Cave, Barbarians village
Quality sand
Artifact deposits in the location Deep Forest

Hidden in the depths of Destroyed convoy
Water from a Moose source
Behind this artifact you will have to search for a location Fair

It occurs in Abandoned University.
Poison Potion
You can find it here: Iroquois Camp, Impassable Swamp, Zhizorsky Castle

Gold Threads
The artifact is found in Temple of the Druids
Not hard to find in the locations: Monsters Cave, Barbarians Village

High-quality iron ingot
Very common in locations: Misty mines, Impassable swamp, Zhizorsky castle, Burned village, Strengthening elite mercenaries, Abandoned mines Military camp, Shipwreck Bay, Druid Temple, Black Castle.
High-Quality Charcoal
Easy to find in locations: Misty Mines, Impassable Swamp, Iroquois Camp, Bay of the Dead Ships, Zhizorsky Castle, Strengthening elite mercenaries, Temple of the Druids, Burned Village, Monsters Cave, Abandoned University, Abandoned mines

Fabric paint
This artifact is stored in a location Barbarians settlement
Cloth fabric
Located in locations: Barbarians village and Black Castle

Standard Stand
It occurs in Military Camp
Gold bar
Dropped in locations: Black Castle and Abandoned University

Faceted emerald
You can get in the locations Iroquois Camp, Zhizorsky Castle, Strengthening elite mercenaries, Lapland
Faceted Topaz
You can get in the locations Iroquois Camp, Zhizorsky Castle, Strengthen elite mercenaries, Lapland .

Huge Sapphire
You can get in the locations Iroquois Camp, Zhizorsky Castle, Bay of the Dead Ship, Burnt village, Lapland, Strengthening elite mercenaries
Huge Ruby
You can get in locations Iroquois Camp, Zhizorsky Castle, Strengthen elite mercenaries.

Rare gem
Dropped only in Lapland.
Birch wood
A rare artifact from the locations Impassable Swamp and Bay of the Dead Ship.

Behind this artifact you will have to look for locations: Misty mines, Impassable swamp, Bay of the Dead Ship, [ [Burnt Village]], Temple of the Druids, Black Castle.
White paint
Located in locations: Fair and Abandoned University

Polishing cloth
For this artifact go to the location: Temple of druids and Destroyed convoy
Black paint
Searching locations Strengthening elite mercenaries, Abandoned University, Military camp

Quality Paper
Located in Abandoned University and Black Castle
Strong glue
Hidden in Black Castle and Monster Cave locations

Good sharpening stone
Not hard to find in locations: Abandoned mines, Military camp, Barbarians village.
Found in locations Temple of the Druids, Abandoned University.

First part of the map
Behind this artifact you will have to search for locations: Fair, Temple of the Druids, Black Castle, Lapland
Second part of the map
Behind this artifact you will have to search for locations: Misty mines, Iroquois Camp, Slipway, Zhizorsky Castle, Burnt Village, Strengthening elite mercenaries, Monster's Cave.

Third part of the map
Behind this artifact you will have to look for locations: Barbarians settlement and Destroyed convoy
The fourth part of the map
Behind this artifact you will have to search for locations: Bay of Dead Ship and Deep Forest.

Fifth map
Behind this artifact you will have to search for locations: Lapland, Abandoned University, Military camp
Silver ingot
Found only in strengthening elite mercenaries

Behind this artifact you will have to look for locations: Lapland
Currently, this artifact cannot be found in any of the existing quest locations. If this artifact is put into a drop, then you will find the latest information here.

Silver threads
Behind this artifact you will have to look for locations: Wild Forest, Fair, Bay of the Dead Ship
Blue paint
You can find it in locations: Lapland, Misty Mine, Military camp, Destroyed convoy , Impassable swamp

Rough buffalo skin
Behind this artifact you will have to look for locations: Military camp and Temple of the Druids
Carved back
You can find it in locations: Black Castle and Destroyed convoy