FAQ / Hero Sacrifice

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Sometimes a player accumulates a large number of heroes or there is no opportunity to contain or sell the hero, or there is a need for diamonds. In such cases, you can take advantage of the new feature Donation of the hero.

Rules for donating heroes:

  1. Hero must be at least level 20
  2. You can donate no more than 5 heroes per day
  3. Calculating the number of diamonds for a hero is based on 1 diamond per 1 hero level. Excluding the contents of the bag of heroes. Therefore, you should not clog the pockets of the hero with artifacts, this will not increase bonuses.
  4. After the restart, the countdown begins again. Therefore, if the day before the new opportunity to sacrifice the heroes is interrupted by a restart, then the time count begins anew.

The hero's sacrifice to the god Random occurs after his death in the buildings Taverns or Temple Restruct.JPG

After selecting the desired item (donation of the hero), you must confirm your action. After that, the hero disappears, and the Sacrifice reward appears in the events, accepting that you receive diamonds for your hero.